How to Restore Your Joy.


Your body deserves you. It needs you.

Without you, your body withers away.

Without your genuine love and appreciation for this physical vessel, it will be hard to enjoy this life, and it will feel easier just to check out and leave to your star home, where you don’t have a body.

It is understandable that it may seem easier not to live, especially when one has become exhausted of life force.

But escape is not easy. Because it is not at all easy to be any less or any more than what you are: Human.

Yet many are programmed heavily to live their lives wanting something else. And that’s why so many unconsciously create difficulty for themselves. What humankind finds themselves in is the predicament of being uncomfortable in their own skin. It’s as if there has been a mass choice to live like a fish perpetually swimming against the current…

The current of who you actually are at this moment:

A miraculous human being.

Let’s look at what we mean when we say you are a miraculous human being.

A human being is a vast cosmic intelligence (Spirit) that gets a body.

Like a pearl that gets a shell.

Now the predicament on Earth is in how people tend to place the body in a limiting and painful light.

The shell is now a cage!

And this is where the current flows against you.

Let’s address how to go with the flow instead.

One of the ways you can release yourselves from strain is to stop fighting your body and dive madly in love with its capacity to connect you to the Everything.

This earthen, wild, complicated, intelligent, and germmie body. What would happen if you choose to completely love and accept it with your Spirit?

This body is one of Spirit’s most advanced technologies for ascension, far more advanced than the digital technology that so many are made to turn into.

And yes, we said “turn into”, as we tend to become what we frequently consume.

The marketplace historically depends on your desire to be less human so it can train you to become what it wants you to be:

A dependable source of worship and income.

We are sharing a very real truth bomb today, not to alarm you or entice defiance of any kind. We are sharing this to create a context for the real meat of today’s message that’s to show you how this “desire to be less human” is what is at the heart of a very real hurt in humanity’s collective heart, body, and mind…

A hurt that is in essence, a subliminal hate message…

That big media and technology farm out to you every day.

The way this hate message becomes embedded in our neural circuitry and ends up chemically changing our brains is through our hidden feelings of inadequacy.

Our feelings of inadequacy make our minds vulnerable to subliminal hate messages. Hate creates internal harm. It imposes on one’s ability to think and act free of fear, threats and distrust.

One begins to slowly lose touch with who they actually are; a beautiful Spirit. That loss will cause you to miss the beauty in everything, more specifically, the body you inherited. And then you’ve missed the magic of being alive. You’ve missed the point of being here. You’ve missed getting to know your Soul.

But you don’t need to feel hardened about this, like you have to prepare to climb a very tall mountain now. Like you have to do more to really get this. You don’t.

Subconscious hatred of our bodies directly corresponds to how much hurt or silent abuse we endured in childhood and the subliminal hate messages we received then. This is why the human being can allow a shutting off of love for its body quite easily, without it even knowing. The allure to not be in our bodies, is how we block ourselves from Joy.

How Do We Return?

We can reclaim our sacred energy by clearing up these subliminal hatred programs from the subconscious and address the unnatural hold media has on our Lightbodies, in a Soulful Journey Session. The first time I went through the Journey myself, I tasted the presence of metal on my tongue right after the Angels came in to transmute these programs and inceptions! I was then shown that heavy metals in the body play a big role in how we easily attract and bind ourselves to these hateful energies. After balancing out the heavy metals in my body, I felt the return of my joy and the vastness of my Spirit!

Soulful Journey

If you’re ready to clear subliminal hatred and begin taking the strides to get back into the body, sign up for the clearing we will do together as a group: Soulful Journey: Why did I change?

Or Consider:

The Divine Redirection Series that can fast-track you into New Earth Overflow.

Amma Lu
Clear Channel to the Blue Ray Angelics and Solar Rishi.
Emerald Order of Melchizedek.